Contact Us for Mobility Products

    ABOUT OUR Mobility RANGE

    It is Important to get moving after Surgery as soon as possible – using one’s muscles as soon as possible after surgery will assist with recovery . Keeping your muscles strong and moving around also assists in improving your breathing.

    Our Mobility Range offers a variety of Walking Aids to assist the patient in regaining their mobility after Surgeries such as Hip Replacements, Knee Surgery, or when walking becomes a bit difficult due to Old Age, Arthritis or Strokes.

    Our Mobility Range consists of Walking Sticks, Crutches, Folding Walkers, with and without Wheels and Rollators etc.

    We also stock a wide variety of Spares for our Walking aids such as Walking stick tips (Ferrules), Rollator cables, castors etc.

    In addition to this, Winfar offers a repair service for the above.

    We charge a nominal Collection / Delivery fee for the Cape Metropole.

    Should you require more information or would like a Free quote on your repairs, kindly contact us on 021- 797 0034 or

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    Walking Sticks

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