Is it time for a cane?

Jan 4, 2022 | Blog Articles

Is it time to start using a cane? And what are the benefits of using a cane?

Every[body] is different – and circumstances vary greatly from person to person. But, know this, if you are asking the question, or reading this article, you already know the answer.

Canes are wonderful assistive devices. They can be understated or daring, stylish or bold. They are empowering, and confidence-boosting.

If you have already begun to question your stability, and your confidence has begun to turn, don’t wait any longer. As people, we need support! Circumstances change all the time – so we invest in supportive systems, BEFORE we need them – to ensure they are there when we need them. The same applies. You rather have one and not need it – than need it and not have it.

That said, there are a number of prime indicators to be aware of:

9 Signs it is time to use a walking cane

  1. Joint pain
    If you experience soreness in your joints or limbs whenever you walk, it’s time to consider a cane. A cane will help alleviate this pain. Walking with a cane reduces inflammation by minimizing pressure on the joints. Please note, however, in some cases a cane might not be enough, so always check with your doctor first before making any decisions.
  2. Back Pain
    If you experience pain in your back during or after walking, a cane will help alleviate the discomfort – but again, please seek your doctor’s advice first. Back pain can be symptomatic of something more serious.
  3. Injury
    If you have experienced a fall, and have broken or sprained your ankle or knees – a cane will help take the pressure off your legs during walking, thus allowing the injury to heal faster.
  4. Are you dragging your feet?
    If you have noticed a change in your stride, and you have started shuffling your feet, rather than lifting them, it’s time for a cane. Shuffling is dangerous and can lead to tripping, muscle imbalance, and decreased mobility of that limb due to misuse.
  5. Have you noticed yourself holding the furniture for balance?
    If your instinct when you walk is to seek something to hold onto, whether a person or object (such as furniture), a cane will come in handy and give you more freedom and independence.
  6. Tiredness
    If you find yourself out of breath and feel tired after walking, it’s time to consider a cane. Canes provide support, making walking less of a strain and the body more efficient.
  7. Aging
    The sad truth is, our bodies tire and weaken with age. Our bones become more porous and fragile and our joints a little more creaky. A cane provides support, alleviates pressure, and achieves increased stability – making walking a little more comfortable.
  8. Fear of falling
    No one should live in fear. If the fear of falling has begun to dominate your thoughts, and restrict your freedom, it’s time to consider a cane. With a cane, both your balance and stability will be immensely improved and your fears will be mitigated by its support.
  9. Uneven ground, stairs, and other obstacles
    Even if stability is not an issue, a cane may still be a worthy investment – if for no other reason, but peace of mind. Most especially if you walk a lot of stairs, or across uneven ground. These obstacles are hazardous to anyone at any age, but more so as you age. A cane simply provides that little extra support, and stability as and when it is needed.

Benefits of Using a Cane

Stylish, and lightweight canes are a worthy consideration for anyone wanting to stay mobile and independent, regardless of age.

The main benefits of a walking cane are:

  1. Helps reduce pain
    Whether the result of an injury, or the normal aging process, if you are experiencing pain when walking, a cane will help. When used properly, a cane can lessen the pressure on the injured leg by 25% (according to Canes are designed to support your body weight on an affected leg (whether for part-time or permanent use. Improving your posture, strengthening your joints, and speeding up your recovery time.
  2. Helps with balance and stability
    “A cane is not there to walk for you, its purpose is to support YOUR steps.”
    Stability concerns are a mental and physical drain. But that little bit of additional support makes all the difference. Sure footing puts the mind and body at ease. And its confidence-boosting,
    Note: Balance issues can be inner-ear related and should be addressed by your medical physician.
  3. Endurance
    If walking leaves you our breath, unnaturally exhausted, or causes your heart to race – your body is under strain and asking for help. A walking aid is the answer – making walking less of a strain and the body more efficient.
  4. Independence
    A cane will not only increase your stability and efficiency of movement but, more importantly, help you regain your confidence. In short, it’s a stylish accessory of independence. And it’s the smart choice!

It’s never too soon to choose a cane.
On a serious note, every year over 3 million older persons are treated for falls and fall-related injuries. 75% of those reported falls were not using a cane. Don’t be one of them. Listen to your body and be honest with yourself.

90% of falls are preventable. So, make a wise and informed, considered decision today, that can maintain and protect your health, your quality of life and your independence tomorrow. There is no safer bet than a walking cane to keep you stable on both feet.

View our full selection of canes and walking sticks

Please Note: Canes are not a substitute for getting medical help. If you experience pain in your knees or any other health issues which may push you to use a cane, ensure to seek a medical expert’s opinion.


DISCLAIMER: This website does not provide medical advice. This information, including text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website is for information purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health regime, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
