Post-operative recovery kit

Jul 26, 2023 | Ageing, Bathroom Aids, Blog Articles, Homecare, Mobility Aids, Safety

After your surgery, there are a variety of things you need to know for your safety, recovery and comfort. Before you leave the hospital, you will receive instructions on your nutrition, medicines, exercise program, recommended activity level, follow-up appointment, and signs and symptoms to watch out for.

You may also need some special equipment to ensure a safe and smoother recovery.

Depending on the type of operation, it may take a little while before you feel like your normal self.
Recovery is different for everyone. In the meantime, the aim is to make life as simple and easy as possible. This is where daily living aids come into play, offering the needed helping hand just where and when you need it.

These are some of the most commonly recommended items used post surgery that will aid your recovery:

 1. A ROLLATOR, WALKER OR CRUTCHES will help you feel more stable as you walk.

Rollators are great for providing support when walking and moving around, whether it is outdoors or inside. Most four-wheel rollators also come with a handy seat and are great for long-term recovery. View our full range here.

Walkers, also aid with stability, granting confidence in movement. Something to lean on, as and when needed. There are various types available, designed to support depending on the user’s needs. Learn more about WALKERS by clicking here.

Crutches or quad canes, are similar in their functionality – without the wheel option. The 4-footed quad cane especially gives a sense of support and balance, while making you feel in control.  View the available options here.

If you are unsure as to which is the best aid for you, read our article: Which is the best walking aid for me? here:



Specifically designed to make bathroom visits more comfortable, a raised toilet seat will make it easier for you to get on and off the toilet as the raised height prevents you from sitting too low. Especially important for post-op recovery.

If just getting to the bathroom is a problem, the best solution is a commode.
Our commodes are all designed with ease of use top of mind. they allow easy access when transferring from a bed, wheelchair or toilet. They are also height-adjustable, so it can be placed over a toilet. Or used as a standalone, next to the bed. See all our commode options here.

If you are not sure, which item is best suited for you and your needs, read this blog post, it should help you decide and diffuse any confusion: Bathroom essentials: Raised Toilet Seat or Commode?

On the topic, if at the onset you are bed bound and movement is limited, we would high recommend, some adult diapers. They maintain comfort and cleanliness, while reducing any unneccessary anxiety. They are ideal for bed rest or if you struggle to get to the toilet urgently. We have them available on request. So, if you are in need, please mail us, Whats app: 076 869 7061 or T: +27 21 797 0034.



You can never go wrong with grab rails. They are investment regardless of age or circumstances. Installing grab bars around your toilet, bathtub or shower will not only increase your safety during transfers, but provide stability and confidence when moving around, standing up, going to the bathroom, showering – and pretty much any activity. Learn more about the benefits of grab rails here or view our full range here.



Depending on whether you prefer to shower or bath, a shower and/or bath chair allows you sit comfortably and wash independently, without the stress of having to maintain your balance.

Our range includes chairs that are rust resistant, are adjustable, some have back rests and most have non-slip foot pads on the chairs. You also have the choice of arm rests, however as per above grab rails are a good consideration as well. View our full range of SHOWER chairs here and BATH chairs here.

Other useful considerations are:
bath transfer bench which will help you get in or out of the shower or tub. You can also sit on it while taking a shower or bath. Which we have available on request.

And a hand-held shower head which would allow you to control the spray of water while sitting. These you can pick up at your next clicks, pharmacy or hardware store.



Not commonly heard about, but extremely useful, an easy-reacher does as its name suggests. It helps you get things from higher and lower levels preventing bending or overreaching when picking up objects. Ideal for lifting small objects from the floor or reaching objects above your head. Learn more about how an easy reacher works here.

These independent living aids are perfect for post-operative recovery at home. Affordable and portable, with the exception of the hand rails, they don’t need to be fixed or fitted allowing them to be removed when necessary or even taken on travels.

If you are about to or are recovering from an operation, and are unsure as to the type of assistance you will need at home, give us a call. We have helped hundreds of people succesfully through their post-operative journey, making their lives just a little easier and recovery quicker.
Whats app us on: 076 869 7061; T: +27 21 797 0034 or email