A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, regardless of circumstance. Diet, sleep, exercise,...
Wheelchair care
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Benefits of Stretching When You’re a Wheelchair User
So you think stretching is the domain of the young and flexible? Think again. In a chair or out,...
7 keys to ensure your chair is correctly setup for YOU
GOOD POSTURE SHOULD NOT REQUIRE ANY EFFORT ON YOUR PART. It is largely determined by the setup and...
Maintaining Your Wheelchair: 5 essential wheelchair care and maintenance tips
Research shows that the average wheelchair-bound individual spends approximately 9 hours per day...
7 Top tips to make your wheelchair COVID safe
Wheelchair COVID Safe Tips for cleaning and disinfection So we all know that proper wheelchair...
8 Crucial considerations when choosing a Wheelchair
So, you need to buy a wheelchair. But, which one? How do you choose? Where do you begin? With so...